June 29th

I had hoped to have my next update before I left for tomorrow nights investigation, as the update was related to the location and why I continue to go back. I thought that I would write the blog, due to the number of people who continue to asked me the following question.
"After everything that has happened to you after going there, why do you continue to go back?"
So I thought that my answer to this question would make for an interesting blog.
Unfortunately I have been so busy reviewing audio and video evidence from two (2) current investigations and preparing for the Villisca trip, that the blog will not be finished until after I return from the Villisca investigation. Hopefully I will have some additional stories to tell you from the investigation that will make the blog even more interesting.
For those of you who are not aware, the Villisca House is a place in which I have investigated four (4) times. So this will be my fifth investigation there. This is a place that caught me completely off guard in a paranormal sense. I say this, because of what happened after the September 8 and 9, 2008 investigation which was part of the filming of a documentary and again after my October 10, 2010 investigation. The October of 2010 investigation, is the last time that I have been there. After the September 2008 investigation, things went on at my home, office and everywhere I went for a period of approximately four months. The events didn't stop, until I finally convinced myself, that the things that I was experiencing were real. What finally convinced me was that others around me were also experiencing some of what was happening to me. Finally I had a cleansing performed by a psychic medium who I have great confidence in of being a legitimate clairvoyant. After the cleansing the events stopped. In 2010, the day after the investigation, I heard things in my home, including a voice that said,
"You don't have to come to me, I can come to you!" I truly believe that it was warning me, and for whatever reason, not to come back!
I had always heard of paranormal investigators talking about having something follow them home from an investigation. When I would hear someone tell me this and I hate to admit this, but I thought that they had over imaginative minds. Sort of a case of the old adage,
Seeing is Believing! But I found out the hard way, that yes, sometimes supernatural things do follow you home, and what followed me home was a very negative presence!
Something that puzzles me that I found out about the Villisca House, is that it seems to only affect a handful of people who go there, in the same way that it has affected me. In a similar manner, the others I have talked to say the activity also started after they returned home. On the other hand, I have talked to many who have investigated the house who never experienced anything either during their investigation or after they return home.
So for whatever reason, the house, or whats in the house, seems to select it's victims or subjects personally! Guess I am one of the lucky or unlucky ones, as the case may be!