The Pickman's
and I have a lot in common. We have both had experiences at the same places,
the Villisca Axe Murder house and the Sallie house. I won’t go into what
happened to them at the Villisca house because it is personal and private, but
their experiences are very similar to mine so like my previous visit with
them, we chatted for several hours. Then, something really strange happened.
I have seen
photos and heard stories of how Tony would be scratched by some unseen force
over the years when he both lived in the house and since the family moved out.
It seems when others investigate the house or Tony discusses the house with
people, things like scratches appear on his body!
Tony is a sensitive
and has a true gif as a psychic. As we were chatting, Tony was giving me advice
about something I needed to do before I went back to the house to investigate. As
he was talking he seemed to be uncomfortable and flinched as if in pain. He
then mentioned how he was feeling a burning
sensation on his stomach and Chest! He lifted up his shirt and sure enough,
there were scratches. He didn’t seem too concerned, but I noticed while his
shirt was lifted more scratches formed right before my eyes! It was amazing! I
told Tony that I didn’t want to cause him any grief by investigating the house
so if he preferred that I didn’t go that particular night, I would not. He
simply said “Oh no problem…this isn’t
bad!” Seeing those scratches forming was just more proof to me of the
reality of the supernatural and of what goes on at the Sallie House.
I left the
Pickman's and returned to the Sallie House to start the actual investigation. I
took precautions and prepared before entering the house, but when I entered,
you could feel the vibe, it was an even stronger and heavier feeling than it
had been earlier in the evening! Maybe it was simply my senses being on edge or
being more alert, entering a now darkened house.
It was warm in
the house because I had shut all the windows to keep any outside noise from
interfering with my audio equipment. All night long, I heard movement in the
upstairs and the basement, but when I would go to investigate, nothing was
there. It was almost like something was playing games with me. That’s sort of
the feeling you get in a strange house, like it is playing with you, trying to
unnerve you!
I had a very
strong feeling, and this is merely based on the perceptions I had while in the house,
especially in the basement, that not only was something down there, but that
several something’s were down there
and were always right next to me. I have been to over 300 places in the last
eleven years, and no place other than the Villisca House gives off this type of
feeling. I will have to say, the feeling I get at the Villisca House is not as
strong. But I plan to return to Villisca next year and will get to compare once
I believe it
was Peter James the world famous psychic who identified a “portal or doorway”
to the other side, in the back corner of the dining room. The owner of the
house had pointed it out to me the last time that I was there in 2012. So I decided to use copper rods to test for
unusual or strong fields of energy. I wasn’t disappointed, as I was able to
video tape the rods spinning or helicoptering in opposite directions and then
suddenly reversing directions! I checked for high EMF in the area of the portal
and there was little to none! But the rods spinning indicated something goes on
in that spot.
Two other rooms
in the house gave me a feeling that I needed to be “on guard”…and they were, Tony
and Deb’s old bedroom and the kitchen. I’m not sure what is was about those
rooms…but something didn’t feel right.
Most of the
night was pretty uneventful…but the house keeps you on your toes, it keeps you
on edge and it’s not simply the reputation of the place, there is more to it.
You get a feeling that the place is alive and waiting for you to suddenly have
a moment of fear that will cause you to doubt not only yourself, but your
faith, and when or if you do, that’s when you have a problem! I have a strong
faith in God and I always wear a Michael the Arch Angel pendent. I never go
anywhere without it. I do this because I believe that “Michael” is God’s
“Bouncer” and can handle anything. I had a sense several times during the night
that something was trying to get into my head and make me doubt this, but as
soon as this would happen, I would take hold of the medallion for reassurance
and to show it that it couldn’t break my faith! Because, after all, “Faith” is
the only protection we have from what dwells in the darkness!
Some think that
I am a bit reckless, going to a place like this by myself. ”That there is
strength in numbers,” but you are only as strong as the “weakest link,” so when
it comes to “faith” and believe me the Sallie House is a very good test of
faith. I have no doubt that I am protected. So there is no weak link when I go
alone, but if others are along and they have fear, then there is a weak link
that could lead to problems for both me and the other person!
With that being
said, I have worked with a lot of very good investigators that I would investigate
the Sallie House with, it’s just that something kept telling me that I need to
go alone on this one.
I decided to
save the area of the house that gives off the strangest vibe, the basement! So from 3a.m.to 4:30a.m., I investigated this
part of the house. When you turn the lights off down there, it is darker than
dark, very unnerving. You can sense a presence which gives you a feeling that
what is there would love to harm you.
I remembered
what Sam Draper and Felicia Thurmond messaged me about the basement. I had
posted photos of a hole in the wall in the basement and had mentioned how the
hole gave me a very uncomfortable feeling. They both sent private messages, telling
me that it’s not the wall with the hole that I should be concerned with. That
the wall directly opposite of the wall with the hole, is the one to be
concerned with.
I set up two
cameras and an audio recorder in the basement. I had a surveillance camera
pointed towards the basement staircase and decided to set up my “HD IR video
camera” along the wall that Sam and Felicia mentioned and pointed it towards
me. There were two metal folding chairs in the basement located against the
wall directly across from the basement stairs. I placed an audio recorder on
one chair and I sat in the other. I turned off my flashlight and sat it on
floor near me, but when I turned my light out, the basement was darker than
dark. With the only source of any light being the reflection of the LCD screen
from my HD camera on the wall. The reflection of light gave me a little
reference point in the darkness and a little comfort as well. But with all the
investigations I have done and have under my belt, this was the most extreme
place I had investigated alone. The basement is not a good place!
I started
thinking about how I was sitting alone in the dark, in a place that has been
identified by some legit people as probably being “Demonic.” A lot of things
run through your mind in a dark and terrifying place like this! I felt that at
any moment something would reach out and grab me and then who knows what might
happen! I started thinking how my only way out of the basement was across the
room, and if something happened, I would have to get to the stairs to make my
exit!! To say the least it was very creepy down there. But this is the field of
endeavor that I chose or maybe more correctly should say “chose me!” So this is
what I do and this is what I live for.I decide to start asking questions out loud! With my first question, I found out that whatever was there would show me that, “Yes, I’m here!”
The first question that I asked was, “Are there any spirits or beings here, if so say something, make a noise or do something to let me know!”
No sooner than the words “let me know” came out of my mouth, my (HD IR) camera shut down and the only bit of light that I had went to total blackness! My heart jumped into my throat and was pounding because I knew that I still had almost half of a four hour battery left, and with a full battery, this had never happened with this camera!
I tried to act
like this didn’t concern me, and reached for my flashlight. I couldn’t find it
at first and as I reached for the light I had the feeling that something was about
to grab me. I finally located my flashlight, but then the next thing that went
through my mind was, ”When I turn this light on, what will be standing in front
of me?” So not knowing what to expect, I hit the button on the flashlight, and
nothing was there. I could feel the hair stand up on the back of my neck, even
though I didn’t see anything. But it felt like something was present. Could it
have been “Belial,” Sallie, something else or just my imagination? I don’t
scare easy, which is why I don’t believe the feeling was simply my imagination.
I walked over
to the camera and I closed the LCD screen as it also acts as the power switch
for the camera I then reopened the LCD screen and the camera powered back up
and indicated that I still had “117” minutes of “240” minutes of battery
remaining. I pressed the “Record” button and the camera started recording. It continued to record until the battery
drained well over an hour later.Was this merely camera malfunction or something else? I’m not really sure. My gut feeling is that something was giving me a sign, or maybe it was trying to try put fear into me!
I packed up
about 5am as nothing else happened while at the house. But as many of you know,
the last time I was at the Sallie House, the fun didn’t begin until days and
weeks after the investigation!
Wilson is a paranormal investigator and author of “Chasing Shadows and Echoes from the Grave.”
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