Tonight May 30th
Urban Paranormal Investigations "Larry Wilson & Jay Nandi" will be spending the night in a rural Central Illinois home.
(Activity reported)
Strange Knocks on the door in the middle of the night.
A boy has been seen several times "possibly a
different boy"...including once peeking in the window and asking to be let in.
Strange photos have been taken in a pasture behind the home...including starburst type photos, and a photo of the outline of a woman wearing a plaid dress!
Several years ago a strange man African American man walked into the back yard, dressed in outdated clothes, looking for work. When he was told none was available, he continued on his way! The odd thing is that being a rule area, this would not have been a prime area to seek out work!
The house is currently being renovated.
More to come...
Larry Wilson |
Jay Nandi |
Jay and Larry are still reviewing audio and video data from a pre-Civil War Home in which at least 4 children passed away in. Several quality EVP's have been found so far.
This is an on going Paranormal Research project as there are several other pre- 1900 era buildings on the property which will be investigated as well! Due to the success of the audio review, and an odd occurrence which happened during the investigation, the 1854 home will be revisited and investigated again in the upcoming weeks before the other buildings are investigated.
University Theatre Investigation completed...Probable return later this summer. (Several unusual whispers and bangs discovered during evidence review.)
Impromptu Will Hill Investigation 5-19-2015 has turned up two EVP's.... Both say!! "What's Up!" Both are, Class "A" EVP's.Still Reviewing evidence from the investigation!
Jay and I have been contacted by the principal of a public elementary school where the principal has experienced some strange activity! Will touch base with the principal again this week!
I have been granted access to a Private farm with known unexplained activity...the investigation will be in the fall of this year! More details to come!
June 10th an out of state investigation will be announced on 99.7 KISS FM. This is a location I have been to several times before! I can't explain yet, but "things have already started getting weird just by scheduling the place and talking to the owner!" STAY TUNED ON THIS ONE!
Investigation in Indiana being looked into as well as a possible return trip to "Iowa."
My book "Dark Creepy Places" is currently being edited, release date to be announced soon!
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