Sunday, June 28, 2015

Blog update will be delayed due to tomorrow nights investigation!


June 29th

I had hoped to have my next  update before I left for tomorrow nights investigation, as the update was related to the location and why I continue to go back. I thought that I would write the blog, due to the number of people who continue to asked me the following question.
"After everything that has happened to you after going there, why do you continue to go back?"

So I thought that my answer to this question would make for an interesting blog.

Unfortunately I have been so busy reviewing audio and video evidence from two (2) current investigations and preparing for the Villisca trip, that the blog will not be finished until after I return from the Villisca investigation. Hopefully I will have some additional stories to tell you from the investigation that will make the blog even more interesting.

For those of you who are not aware, the Villisca House is a place in which I have investigated four (4) times. So this will be my fifth investigation there. This is a place that caught me completely off guard in a paranormal sense. I say this, because of what happened after the September 8 and 9, 2008 investigation which was part of the filming of a documentary and again after my October 10, 2010 investigation. The October of 2010 investigation, is the last time that I have been there. After the September 2008 investigation, things went on at my home, office and everywhere I went for a period of approximately four months. The events didn't stop, until I finally convinced myself, that the things that I was experiencing were real. What finally convinced me was that others around me were also experiencing some of what was happening to me. Finally I had a cleansing performed by a  psychic medium who I have great confidence in of being a legitimate clairvoyant. After the cleansing the events stopped. In 2010, the day after the investigation, I heard things in my home, including a voice that said, "You don't have to come to me, I can come to you!" I truly believe that it was warning me, and for whatever reason, not to come back!

I had always heard of paranormal investigators talking about having something follow them home from an investigation. When I would hear someone tell me this and I hate to admit this, but I thought that they had over imaginative minds. Sort of a case of the old adage, Seeing is Believing! But I found out the hard way, that yes, sometimes supernatural things do follow you home, and what followed me home was a very negative presence!

Something that puzzles me that I found out about the Villisca House, is that it seems to only affect a handful of people who go there, in the same way that it has affected me. In a similar manner, the others I have talked to say the activity also started after they returned home. On the other hand, I have talked to many who have investigated the house who never experienced anything either during their investigation or after they return home.

So for whatever reason, the house, or whats in the house, seems to select it's victims or subjects personally! Guess I am one of the lucky or unlucky ones, as the case may be!


Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Shandies Restaurant

(C.C. Cohen Building)
Paducah, Kentucky

Located along the Tennessee and Ohio Rivers in McCracken County, Kentucky is the city of Paducah. The population, according to the U.S. Census of 2010, was 25,024 people. But what the Census Bureau failed to account for in their tabulation, are some of the residents from days gone by who still remain in this great city. Residents that is, of a more spectral nature, who still roam the streets and buildings of this quaint river town.  The former C.C. Cohen building which houses Shandies Restaurant, located in the heart of downtown Paducah, at 202 Broadway Street, is a place that seems to house a few kindred spirits of the town.

The building is believed to have been built somewhere around 1865. Over the years it has served various purposes, including a clothing store, dry goods store, and, in 1914, the Paducah City Directory identified the occupants as the R.L Peacher Liquor Dealers and the Rehkopf Distilling Company.

The Cohen family owned the location from around 1921 until 1980, when Stella Cohen Peine, the last resident of the Cohen family, died in the building. Many Paducah residents believe that she has never left and still occupies and roams the building. This is what makes a great restaurant like Shandies even more enticing to a paranormal adventurer like me. Not only do they have great food and drinks, but they also have a resident ghost that reportedly haunts the place.

Most of the locals are aware of the haunting activity that takes place and how the ghost of Stella Cohen the former building owner is believed to be responsible for what takes place.
The Cohen family lived in the building directly above their businesses for many years. The last immediate family member to reside at the location was Stella, who died in the building in 1980. When she died, she wasn’t found for several days as she lived alone and didn’t receive many visitors. Her only companions were her two Doberman Pincher dogs. According to one source at the restaurant that had talked to an eyewitness who had observed the activities when authorities found her body.  Described a pretty gruesome scene when her body was found, as the dogs had not been fed for several days. The witness described seeing one of the first responders rush out of the building as he became ill at the sight of what he had found.

No one that I talked to is certain when the haunting activity started, but there are stories of how the building exchanged hands in the mid 1990’s, and it seemed like strange things started happening when the new owner took over.

There were reports of workers who would lose tools frequently, malfunctioning equipment, and the feeling that someone was watching them. There are other stories told of people passing by the building, who have witnessed an old woman looking out from the second story window. The witnesses say that the woman closely resembles Stella Cohen.  Sources that I spoke to, not only believe that she watches over the building, but interacts with workers and customers as well!

            Based on a bit of paranormal circumstantial evidence that we obtained during the investigation, I believe that not only does Stella haunt the building, but possibly her younger sister Goldie as well. I will elaborate on this a bit later.

            If you check out the Shandies Restaurant webpage for a description of what they offer, you will see that they offer a, prime location, quality service, award winning food, hand cut and marinated stakes and a wide range of ”spirits!” If by a wide range of spirits, they are referring to “Beer, Wine and Ghost, based on my experience during our investigation and from the eye witness accounts provided to us by the restaurant manager, I would say, that the wide range of spirits description, is pretty accurate.



Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Stranger in my House
“Questions Answered”
Larry Wilson
June 9, 2015

When I became a paranormal investigator almost fourteen years ago, I wasn’t sure what to expect. My background as a private investigator told me that there must be logical answers to the things that people were saying they experienced. I believed that if I conducted my own investigations, I would find answers and would be able to provide rational explanations. Explanations not only for those who experienced these things, but for myself as well! Boy, was I ever wrong!

Once I started looking into these things for myself, I soon found out that the things others claimed to have experienced were real after all! Because I was experiencing them as well!  I found that the things that I was experiencing and continue to experience; have no logical explanations. Since I couldn’t find logical explanations, my suspicions started me to believe that the reason that these things didn’t seem to fit logically with things we can explain, is because we are experiencing a part of life that makes logic, obsolete!

Conducting well over three hundred investigations, I have seen, heard and experienced a lot of strange and unexplained things. Things that keep me lying awake at night trying to figure out what it is that I saw, and why I saw them! I constantly feel like someone or something is pulling me in deeper, not wanting me to give up simply because I don’t understand what I am doing or why I do it!

In the early stages of my investigating, I was told by a very special and gifted clairvoyant, that if I continued to delve into the supernatural, I wouldn’t have to go looking for spirits, because at some point, they would start looking for me, “We all need help she said, no matter which side of life we are on!” Twelve days ago, that became a reality, when something happened, that never in a million years, did I expect! For that matter, no one would!

I have thought about what happened, what I saw and the events that took place, all day, and everyday since it happened!

The account of what I experienced, will be vague as it relates to the names of those who have been affected by what I saw. It’s too personal and to fresh to those affected for me to do so.

This will probably be the most important thing that I will ever write, and may be the most important thing of mine that you will ever read!

What you are about to read, is true and something that I would not have believed, if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes! I believe that it was something that I was supposed to see and to be part of and something that has been in the works, for three years.

I kept asking myself why me, but I’ve concluded, that’s not what is important. What does matter is that it was me, and I was allowed to see, experience and be part of a miracle! A miracle, that has reassured some very special friends, that a loved one is OK, that they will see him again, that he watches over them, and that we don’t die, but continue to live.

It’s been a hard decision; I’ve struggled for twelve days trying to decide whether or not, it’s right to share part or any of the story of what happened. I’ve struggled with this, because it involves several personal friends, who are still grieving, due to the recent loss of a very special loved one. So names, specifics, factors and location will not be discussed now, and probably never! But the names aren’t what are important, what’s important is that God exists and his promises are real!

I was never really sure why I became a paranormal investigator, or why I would want to spend several thousands of hours in dark secluded places, chasing after things that I can’t see and didn’t understand.

Along the way, I found, that if you open the supernatural door, “that barrier to the other side” wide enough, you see things!  But the things that I have seen didn’t make sense! That is until a beautiful Thursday evening, just over a week ago, that changed my life forever.

My belief has always been that the more I investigated, the more I would be able to figure things out. That I would be able to find answers to questions like; are Ghost, Spirits and Angels real? Is there life after death? But, that never happened, or at least hadn’t happened, until now!

In an instant, both of the above questions were answered for me! More importantly, I found out, that when people pass on to the other side of life, “no matter what the reason” they really are allowed to come back to the physical world, or at least some are given that opportunity. Not as a ghost, but as a solid, walking, living resurrection!

If the last fourteen years of my life were preparing me to be able to help pass on a few messages from the other side, that would make a difference in the lives of some very special people, who were hurting, and hurting in the worst way any of us can ever hurt, “a broken heart” due to the loss of a loved one suddenly taken away from them!” Then spending all those hours in dark secluded places hasn’t been a waste of time after all and I feel blessed beyond all possible belief!

What I experienced, is so special to me, because not only was I allowed to be a witness, but also as it turns out, I was part of a plan that was somehow set in place, three years ago. I was somehow chosen, to be part of something so spectacular and unbelievable it made me realize, that I have been trying to answer questions that I already knew the answers to! Just as doubting Thomas was shown, so have I been!

On the 20,695th day of my life, I was granted more than faith; I was allowed to see, “Life after death!”  I was allowed to see the real, “Mystery of Faith in action!”  Now, it is no longer a mystery to me, but an answer!

I never expected that I would find the answers to my questions, or that what I would see and experience, would take place in my own home! “I never expected that in a million years!”

The events of May 28, 2015, still seem like a dream, but they weren’t, they were real and took place right in front of my eyes at 7:20 P.M. Not in Galilee, not in Jerusalem, but in the hallway of my home in Taylorville, Illinois! I always wondered why I chose Taylorville to live in, but now I realize, I didn’t choose it after all!

Last Thursday began a series of events that has changed my life! It was a night, where I saw something that I probably would not have seen, if it weren’t part of a bigger plan!

My first thought was that what I saw was either related to a place in Iowa that I will be heading back to June 29th, a place in Atchison, Kansas or a pre- Civil War house that I had recently investigated! But I soon found out, it had nothing to do with any of these places, but was related to the owner of a home that I investigated three years ago. A home owned by a person that I had only seen and talked to, four times in my life! Well, I guess we should make that five times now. But the amazing miracle is, that my friend passed on, three weeks before I saw him in my own house. Even stranger is that he didn’t even know where I lived, but he found me! So in Heaven, I guess Zip Codes and street addresses aren’t necessary.

Lots of people speak of seeing spirits, and for whatever reason, I was allowed to see an Angel and take part in helping my Angel friend make things right and ease the grief of some amazing people!

“Sounds crazy doesn’t it?” If Stephen King wrote the story, it would seem too far fetched to be believable!

Once again, I had only met my Angel friend four times in my life. But he must have known that if he showed up in my house, that being a paranormal investigator and obsessed with what I do, I would try to find out, who it was and what they wanted.

What I witnessed wasn’t a case of seeing movement out of the corner of my eyes. I was sitting in my home office, and was startled as I heard someone walking heavily down the hall next to my office. I could even feel the floor vibrate as he walked, when I turned, I looked directly at him, and clearly saw him walk into my bedroom and go around the corner, disappearing out of sight! What I saw was a solid person, wearing a black shirt or top. At first I thought it was my wife, who was also wearing a black top, but a couple of seconds later, I saw my wife in our front yard, watering flowers. I quickly got up, thinking we had an intruder, but no one was in our bedroom, and there is no other way out, other than walking past me again.

I had the feeling that whoever or whatever it was, wanted me to see it.

For the last three weeks, we had heard odd noises in our house, had things fall over with out explanation. Two times at work in the last three weeks, I heard my name whispered when no one was there. This also had happened to me in 2008 after returning home from a house in Villisca, Iowa, a place that I am returning to this month! So I assumed the worse, and assumed that the odd things that had happened on previous investigations there were already starting.  But as it turns out, I was completely wrong; it had nothing to do with the Iowa house.

The next day, I spoke to a couple of friends about what I saw. I explained to them, how I felt that based on all of the noise and feeling the vibration of the floor as it walked, that whoever I saw, wanted me to see it. But if he wanted me to see him, why didn’t he simply stop and show me who he was?

I decided to contact a very psychically gifted friend in Kansas and explained to him what had happened. I asked him if he would meditate and see if he could to tell me, who was in my house, where they were from and what it was that they wanted.

When I heard back from him the next day, I was totally shocked and surprised at what he told me. The person that he identified hadn’t even cross my mind as to whom it might have been that I saw. I was totally expecting it to be related to the one of houses that I mentioned before, particularly the Villisca house.

Suddenly it made sense to me why he hadn’t shown his face to me. If he had, I probably would have still contacted his family at some point, but all I would have been able to do, would be to tell them, that I saw their loved one in my home, but I would not have had any validation for them or any proof, without the specific messages that he provided to my friend in Kansas.  

Plus, if I knew who it was, I probably wouldn’t have contacted my friend in Kansas; and he wouldn’t have been able to get his message across to the family. My friend in Kansas didn’t know my deceased friend or his family. He also didn’t know that I had conducted the investigation at the home three years ago, because I have never posted any identifying information about the investigation that took place on the web, my blog or my Facebook page! But he came up with specific information that only the family could verify. Things that I didn’t even know! he also sent me a sketch that he drew of the spirit that he talked to. It was the spitting image of the man who passed on.

So when my friend came to me for help, he knew that I would know people who would be able to hear him. So he took me by the hand, and guided me to my gifted friend in Kansas, because he knew he could hear him and help him.

What happened on May 28th, proved to me that “everything” that happens to us, both good and bad, is simply putting us in a position to be prepared for when our turn comes, and when that turn comes, we can either walk away or say, how can I help!! “We all need help no matter which side of life we are on!”

My friend in Kansas, is named Tony Pickman, and if you read this Tony,  brother, you have an amazing gift and are a walking miracle, you are an amazing friend! I am blessed to know you my friend! Thank you for enduring what you did, to give me answers and to help get the message of one special friend, to several other special friends, and change their lives in the process! I knew I met you and Deb for more than advice on how to survive hanging out in some creepy old house!

I was so amazed with what I saw, and the events that took place have affected me so much, that I even told my wife what happened. Those who know me well, know that I never tell Kathy about the things that I see or experience, as she wants nothing to do with what I do. She gets upset when things happen in our house, but this was a miracle in my eyes, and she needed to know about it.

I’ve learned from all of this, that we are allowed to make mistakes, that one mistake carries no more weight than another. That nothing is too big to make right or to get another chance. We are the children of God, so we aren’t perfect like he is; we’re not supposed to be, so we need extra chances.  

I’ve also learned not to sweat the small stuff”, in a world that is temporary and full of hate! Actually no need to sweat the big stuff either, because in the grand scheme of things, it’s all the same!

We weren’t put here to fail, and we won’t, because we were given a promise, a promise that we are never alone!  There are many hands to guide us along the way, and when you least expect it, and when you are supposed to, your proof will come! I was just lucky enough to see the promise in action and to see it firsthand!  

I would love to tell this magnificent story in full, but I can’t! “But as the great Mets relief pitcher “Tug McGraw” use to say!!! “Ya gotta believe”…and when you do, miracles happen!

I’m not sure if my friend’s family will see this, but three years ago was the start of an amazing story, a story that will continue forever! Someday, I truly believe that I will get to discuss what happened with my friend who waits for us on the other side. Until then, please say hello to Mom, Dad and Kerri for me my friend! 

Will sprits continue to come, will this happen again, or have I simply been fortunate enough to have my question answered in a onetime experience? Well the answer to this remains to be seem. Either way, I know that I am where I am supposed to be and doing what I am supposed to be doing. I’m not sure what to expect when I get to the other side, but at least for now I know, there is more to life after we move on and it must be pretty spectacular! 

~Larry Wilson